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Is Asset Management, Istanbul, Türkiye: IS ASSET MANAGEMENT - WEB SITE (Financial Services)

Company: Is Asset Management, Istanbul, Turkey
Company Description: Is Asset Management was established in 2000 and subsidiary of Turkey İş Bank. Is Asset Management has 80 employees. Furthermore it has the largest mutual fund family in Turkey.
Nomination Category: Website Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Financial Services
2024 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: IS ASSET MANAGEMENT - WEB SITE (Financial Services)
  1. When was this site or blog first published?

    August 31th 2023

  2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 176 words used.

    Contrary to the perception that the website is aimed at companies providing conventional finance and B2B services; In order for the site to have an attractive and colorful design, for the management to stay on the site for a long time, for all data along with our company's products and services to be more understandable by displaying the recorded figures, tables and graphics, and to be more quickly accessible by including the production feature, the site design should be appropriate and on the site. It is aimed to make easy switching between menus. We planned our research and its continuation. Focusing on user experience, we launched our new web site, which will comply with global trends, respond to mobile-first user experience and Google's ever-changing algorithms, and have a fast and catchy look and feel. As a result of examining Google Analytics data (card sorting, netnography, etc.), an information architecture compatible with Google indexing was created and agile methodology was followed until going live. The number of visitors between 31.08.2023-16.07.2024 is 934,000.

  3. List the appropriate creative and production credits for this entry:

