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AGM Infra Solutions, Frisco, Texas, United States: AGM Infra Solutions, USA

Company: AGM Infra Solutions
Company Description: AGM Infra Solutions - As the name stands, we specialize in Cloud services across Amazon, Google & Microsoft platforms. We are a ‘One Stop Shop for all Cloud & non-Cloud Staffing’ company. AGM born on the cloud, partners with the world's best technology companies to drive innovation on the cloud. AGM is the cloud-native services company, leading the most complex technology projects in the world.
Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Company of the Year - Computer Services - Small
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: AGM Infra Solutions - USA
  1. Which will you submit for your nomination in this category, a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about the achievements of the nominated organization since 1 January 2021, OR written answers to the questions for this category? (Choose one):
    Written answers to the questions
  2. If you are submitting a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, provide the URL of the nominated video here, OR attach it to your entry via the "Add Attachments, Videos, or Links to This Entry" link above, through which you may also upload a copy of your video.

    AGM Infra Solutions headquartered in Dallas TX is a ServiceNow Premier Partner & a Salesforce partner. We work with some of the world’s prestigious brands rediscovering our customers’ future while being our customer’s trusted advisor. We are a high-end consulting firm helping our customers maximize their efficiency with optimal spending leading to an exceptional customer experience. 

    We do have operations in 4 countries - USA: Dallas TX & Chicago IL; Canada: East Brampton ON; UK: London & India: Bengaluru, Chennai & Hyderabad.

  3. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this first question: Briefly describe the nominated organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words):

    Total 82 words used.


  4. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this second question: Outline the organization's achievements since the beginning of 2021 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words):

    Total 76 words used.

    AGM bagged 2 awards last year from Stevie Awards.

    1. International Business Award.

    2. Company of the Year- Computer Service - Small: Bronze.

    We have extended our services to various implementation partners [REDACTED FOR PUBLICATION],

    Our YoY growth is 37%.

    We added 3 new geographies - Canada: East Brampton ON, India: Chennai and Hyderabad & UK: London.

    We started 2 new practices: ServiceNow and Salesforce.

  5. If you are providing written answers for your submission, you must provide an answer to this third question: Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the organization's past performance (up to 250 words):

    Total 156 words used.

    We started 2 new practices: ServiceNow and Salesforce which aligned and helped us to penetrate in a niche space leading to business growth YoY: 37%, adding new logos & getting us foot in the door. 

    In addition, we now have a healthy pipeline of Fortune customers!

    One of the founders started a philanthrophic activity-Million Hours of Charity for kids aged between 5 and 16 , to educate them about giving back to the community. This group volunteered across multiple places for 3500+ hours in less than 7 months.

    Duirng pandemic, AGM took an initiative & participated in several vaccination drives during and post CVID-19. In addition, AGM also helped in distribution of Masks and Sanitizers for several of customers & prospects using touchless delivery options across all the 50 states to avoid the spread of COVID-19. In alliance with another non-profitable organization, we helped to ship 1000+ of Ventilators to India to support the people in need.  

  6. You have the option to answer this final question: Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words):

    Total 9 words used.

    We have attached our company capability for additional reference.

AGM Infra Solutions - USA
PDF AGM_Infra_Solutions.pdf