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Company: iCrossing
Company Description: iCrossing is a global digital marketing company.
Nomination Category: Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, & Public Relations Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Corporate Communicator

Nomination Title: Dana Mellecker, Director of Public Relations


  1. Tell the story about what this nominee achieved since January 1 2007 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

    When Dana Mellecker joined iCrossing in late 2006, his mandate was simple, help
    grow the iCrossing’s media coverage both in terms of quality and quantity during
    a time of great transition for the company.

    2007 was a watershed year for iCrossing. Founded in 1998, the company had
    established itself as the largest search agency in the country. However, the
    vision of the company founders was to transition the company into the largest
    digital marketing company. Through a series of acquisitions, the company
    expanded its digital offerings, but the broad media impression was that
    iCrossing was still “just” a search agency. Mellecker was charged with changing
    that perception.

    Mellecker worked closely with the VP of marketing and other senior executives to
    ensure that iCrossing’s new positioning was consistently reflected in all
    external communications.

    A media training veteran, Mellecker then led several intensive media training
    sessions with top executives. He established a solid news pipeline and tapped
    into the company's extensive pool of experts available to comment on a wide
    variety of digital marketing topics to thought leadership for iCrossing.

    His media strategy in 2007 was to focus initially on the trade press to solidify
    the new corporate positioning, and then leverage that coverage into business
    press coverage. Through aggressive pitching, well prepared spokespeople, and
    exploiting every thought leadership opportunity for his spokespeople, Mellecker
    secured extensive coverage in the trade press, including the February cover
    story of AdWeek, which positioned iCrossing as leading "Search Marketing's New
    Direction". iCrossing also appeared on the cover of AdAge, the other top trade
    publication, as one of the "Hottest Agencies Around. The buzz began to build
    about the company’s potential. As one journalist queried, “Is iCrossing the next

    Mellecker then leveraged the success in the trade press to build relationships
    with top business press. Countless backgrounders and media tours were conducted,
    a strategic news pipeline was established, and spokespeople were offered as
    expert sources on breaking news.

    The culmination of his work in 2007 was a profile in the Wall Street Journal of
    iCrossing President Don Scales as an "Ad Maker to Watch" under the
    headline, "iCrossing to Take on the World's Omnicoms."

    Other coverage in 2007 also included articles in The New York Times, CNN, The
    Boston Globe,
    and The New York Daily News. Coverage as a whole in 2007 was up 65% over
    2006 and 98% of it was positive.

    Mellecker operates as part of a very motivated and skilled marketing team at
    iCrossing. However, it should be noted that he is a PR staff of one. All of the
    media success in 2007 was achieved without an outside agency or additional PR

  2. List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

    Highlights of iCrossing coverage in 2007

    Search Marketing's New Direction (Adweek cover story)

    iCrossing Takes on the World's Omnicoms (Wall Street Journal)

    The Hottest Digital Agencies Around (AdAge cover story)

  3. Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the nominee:

    Mellecker has more than a dozen years in PR and marketing. He began his career 
    in the energy industry, handling marketing for the Solar Energy Industries.
    Mellecker later transitioned to PR agency life as a director at New York
    boutique PR agency NYPR, where he helped launched Synchronoss Technologies
    (which went on to become the most successful IPO of 2007). Mellecker's clients
    have included the hottest start-ups, Fortune 500 companies, and even an astronaut.