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Lauren Berger, Intern Queen

Company: Intern Queen Inc. Los Angeles, CA
Company Description: Intern Queen Inc. is a full scale media/lifestyle company that currently has internship consulting,clothing, entertainment,and book divisions. Lauren Berger created the company in May of 2006 when she was dubbed "The Intern Queen" after participating in fifteen internships during college. Lauren Berger is a featured blogger on and has been mentioned in many publications.
Nomination Category: Individual Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Young Entrepreneur

Nomination Title: Lauren Berger, President, Intern Queen Inc.

  • Describe for the judges the activities and accomplishments of the nominated young entrepreneur
    during the eligibility period (up to 500 words):

    Lauren Berger has built her business INTERN QUEEN INC. from the ground up 
    over the past year. She had fifteen internships during her four years of college
    and wanted to use her experiences to educate other students about internships. Intern
    Queen Inc. is a full service lifestyle brand with book, clothing, consulting, and
    entertainment divisions. Lauren Berger is a "Rachael Ray" of interning. Berger
    says,"The intern is not just one who works for free - an intern is a lifestyle. It
    describes your average 17-25 year old who is experimenting with different careers,
    lifestyles, and relationships.I am an intern." She is currently shopping around two
    books on internships, has written a webseries on interns, trademarked and
    designed her tshirt line, INTERNAL ETHIKS, and just started an internship
    consulting company to match interns and employers. Her goal is to build an online
    destination and fully brand the concept of an intern.

    Lauren conceptualized and built her website, and also
    added her t-shirt online boutique Lauren also
    conceptualized the designs for her T-shirts and is responsible for everything from
    trademarking INTERNAL ETHIKS to finding the appropriate vendors. INTERNAL
    ETHIKS can exclusively be purchased online and was featured in Los Angeles for
    the first FASHION MEETS MUSIC runway show where Berger recieved a great
    response on the line. Celebrities from DISNEY and MTV have been sporting her
    T's around town. Internal EthiKS was featured on DEFAMER.COM and TALENT IN
    MOTION MAGAZINE this year.

    Lauren has successfully placed dozens of interns with companies in New York,
    California, and Florida for summer internships. She has a column in SATURDAY
    NIGHT MAGAZINE where she gives intern tips and does lots of freelance stories
    on interns. Lauren has been featured in SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE, AXIS

    Most recently, Lauren was chosen as an official blogger on Her blog, A SAVY START, gets hundreds of hits each
    day. Lauren blogs the day to day tasks of starting a business from a young

  • List the URLs (web addresses) of any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that you would like the judges to see that support your entry. IMPORTANT: List each URL on a separate line, begin each URL with http://, and enclose each URL in square brackets. For example, []:

  • Provide a brief biography of the nominated entrepreneur (up to 100 words):

    Lauren Berger was born in Clearwater, Florida on April 18, 1984. She obtained her 
    AA from Florida State University and then graduated from University of Central
    Florida in Orlando. Lauren began her professional career as a freelance writer
    during her freshman year of college. Lauren has written for US WEEKLY,
    NICKELODEON MAG, SEVENTEEN MAG and others. MTV sent Lauren to
    Austria to be a contributor for their MTV EUROPE travelguide books. Lauren held
    15 internships during college at different entertainment, publicity, and media
    companies. Lauren decided to take her career to a new place in 2006 with the
    formation of Intern Queen Inc. She currently lives and works in Los Angeles.