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Any number of entries may be submitted to any number of the following categories. The same entry may be submitted to multiple categories, if appropriate.

The eligibility period for 2019 entries extends from July 1, 2018 - your entries should describe achievements since that date.  The only exceptions to this rule are the Lifetime Achievement, app and web site or blog categories - there is no eligibility timeframe period for these categories.

Individual Women Categories
Company/Organization (Women-Owned or -Led) Categories
New Product & Service (Developed for/by Women) - Categories
Communications & Marketing (Developed for/by Women) Categories
Media (Developed for/by Women) Categories
Achievement Categories
HCL's Red Ladder Women in Technology Categories

Individual Women Awards Categories

These categories will recognize the achievements since July 1, 2018 of individual female entrepreneurs, executives and employees.

Entries to these categories require the following:
1. A video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2018 of the nominated woman,  OR a written essay of up to 525 words describing the same
2. A biography of up to 125 words of the nominee
3. Optional (but highly recommended), a collection of supporting files and web addresses that you may upload to our server to support your entry and provide more background information to the judges.

The entrepreneur categories are for women who founded their organizations. The executive categories are for women who run all or some part organizations founded by others. Employee totals are for the entire organization.

1. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Products –10 or Less Employees
2. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Products –11 to 2,500 Employees
3. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Products –More Than 2,500 Employees
4. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Services –10 or Less Employees
5. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Services –11 to 2,500 Employees
6. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Services –More Than 2,500 Employees
7. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Consumer Products –10 or Less Employees
8. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Consumer Products –11 to 2,500 Employees
9. Female Entrepreneur of the Year– Consumer Products –More Than 2,500 Employees
10. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Consumer Services –10 or Less Employees
11. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Consumer Services –11 to 2,500 Employees
12. Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Consumer Services –More Than 2,500 Employees
13. Female Solo Entrepreneur of the Year: 
This category will recognize the achievements of women business owners who work alone.
14. Female Innovator of the Year – Government or Non-Profit –10 or Less Employees (this category has no entry fee)
15. Female Innovator of the Year – Government or Non-Profit –11 to 2,500 Employees (this category has no entry fee)
16. Female Innovator of the Year – Government or Non-Profit –More Than 2,500 Employees (this category has no entry fee)
17. Female Executive of the Year – Business Products –10 or Less Employees
18. Female Executive of the Year – Business Products –11 to 2,500 Employees
19. Female Executive of the Year – Business Products –More Than 2,500 Employees
20. Female Executive of the Year – Business Services –10 or Less Employees
21. Female Executive of the Year – Business Services –11 to 2,500 Employees
22. Female Executive of the Year – Business Services –More Than 2,500 Employees
23. Female Executive of the Year – Consumer Products –10 or Less Employees
24 .Female Executive of the Year – Consumer Products –11 to 2,500 Employees
25. Female Executive of the Year– Consumer Products –More Than 2,500 Employees
26. Female Executive of the Year – Consumer Services –10 or Less Employees
27. Female Executive of the Year – Consumer Services –11 to 2,500 Employees
28. Female Executive of the Year – Consumer Services –More Than 2,500 Employees
29. Female Executive of the Year – Government or Non-Profit –10 or Less Employees (this category has no entry fee)

30. Female Executive of the Year – Government or Non-Profit –11 to 2,500 Employees (this category has no entry fee)
31. Female Executive of the Year – Government or Non-Profit –More Than 2,500 Employees
(this category has no entry fee)
32. Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Asia, Australia or New Zealand
33. Female Executive of the Year in Asia, Australia or New Zealand
34. Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Canada
35. Female Executive of the Year in Canada
36. Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Europe, the Middle East & Africa
37. Female Executive of the Year in Europe, the Middle East & Africa
38. Female Entrepreneur or Executive of the Year in Mexico, Central & South America

39. Most Innovative Woman of the Year: These categories will recognize individual women for the innovations they initiated, developed, or launched since the beginning of July 2018.  Choose the category that corresponds to your nominee's industry, not her job function.
       a. Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations
       b. Business Services
       c. Franchising
       d. Industry
       e. Government or Non-Profit
       f. Manufacturing
       g. Technology

40. Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year: This category will recognize the achievements of female entrepreneurs under the age of 30. The nominee should have been age 29 or younger at some point since July 1, 2018.

41. Maverick of the Year: This category will recognize the achievements of female individuals who have affected positive change on their companies and/or industries. 

42. Lifetime Achievement – Business
43. Lifetime Achievement – Government or Non-Profit

These categories will recognize individual executives and entrepreneurs who have achieved accomplishments of significance over their entire careers. There is no eligibility period requirement for these categories.

44. Mentor or Coach of the Year – Business
45. Mentor or Coach of the Year – Government or Non-Profit

These categories will recognize the achievements of women who provided support and guidance to other women in the workplace.

46. Women Helping Women – Business
47. Women Helping Women – Government or Non-Profit

These categories will recognize the achievements of women who provided support and assistance to women in their communities.

48. Female Employee of the Year: This category will recognize the achievements of non-executive female employees. There is no entry fee for this category.
       a. Business
       b. Government or Non-Profit

49. Woman of the Year: These categories will recognize individual women, regardless of their titles, positions, or entrepreneurial or executive status, for their achievements since July 1, 2018, in the following industry sectors.  Choose the category that corresponds to your nominee's industry, not her job function.
       a. Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations
       b. Business Services
       c. Franchising
       d. Industry
       e. Government or Non-Profit
       f. Manufacturing
       g. Technology


Company/Organization (Women-Owned or -Led) Awards Categories

These categories will recognize the achievements since July 1, 2018 of women-owned and -run organizations worldwide. To be eligible for these categories, an organization must be at least 50% owned by one or more women, and/or have a woman as its chief executive and at least 40% of its management team comprised of women.

Entries to these categories require the following:
1. A video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2018 of the nominated organization,  OR a written essay of up to 525 words describing the same
2. A biography of up to 125 words of the leader of the nominated organization
3. Optional (but highly recommended), a collection of supporting files and web addresses that you may upload to our server to support your entry and provide more background information to the judges.

Note that employee totals are for the entire organization.

50. Company of the Year – Business Products – 10 or Less Employees
51. Company of the Year – Business Products – More Than 10 Employees
52. Company of the Year – Business Services – 10 or Less Employees
53. Company of the Year – Business Services – More Than 10 Employees
54. Company of the Year – Consumer Products – 10 or Less Employees
55. Company of the Year – Consumer Products – More Than 10 Employees
56. Company of the Year – Consumer Services – 10 or Less Employees
57. Company of the Year – Consumer Services – More Than 10 Employees
58. Organization of the Year – Government or Non-Profit– 10 or Less Employees (this category has no entry fee)
59. Organization of the Year – Government or Non-Profit– More Than 10 Employees
(this category has no entry fee)

60. Startup of the Year: These categories will recognize the achievements since July 1, 2018 of organizations that began operations after July 1, 2017.  There are no entry fees for these categories.
      a. Business Products Industries
      b. Business Services Industries
      c. Consumer Products Industries
      d. Consumer Services Industries

61. Most Innovative Company of the Year – 10 or Less Employees
62. Most Innovative Company of the Year – More Than 10 Employees

63. Fastest Growing Women-Owned or -Led Company of the Year

64. Community Involvement Program of the Year at a Women-Owned or -Led Organization

65. Management Team of the Year at a Women-Owned or -Led Organization – 10 or Less Employees
66. Management Team of the Year at a Women-Owned or -Led Organization – More Than 10 Employees

67. Women-Run Workplace of the Year - 10 ore Less Employees
68. Women-Run Workplace of the Year - More Than 10 Employees


New Product & Service (Developed for/by Women) Awards Categories

These categories will recognize new and new-version products and services introduced to the marketplace since July 1, 2018, created by or for women. 

Entries in these categories require the following:
1. A video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the features, functions, benefits, and market performance to date of the nominated new or new-version product or service,  OR a written essay of up to 525 words describing the same
2. A biography of the leader of the team that developed the new or new-version product or service (up to 125 words)
3. Optional (but highly recommended), a collection of supporting files and web addresses that you may upload to our server to support your entry and provide more background information to the judges. These might include product reviews, product demonstration videos, photographs, etc.

70. Best New Product or Service of the Year - Business Products
71. Best New Product or Service of the Year - Business Services
72. Best New Product or Service of the Year - Consumer Products
73. Best New Product or Service of the Year - Consumer Services

Communications & Marketing (Developed for/by Women) Awards Categories

Entries in these categories require the following:
1. A video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the nominated campaign or program - its genesis, development, planning, commission, and performance to date  OR -  a written essay of up to 525 words describing the same .
2. A biography of the leader of the team that developed the campaign (up to 125 words)
3. Optional (but highly recommended), a collection of supporting files and web addresses that you may upload to our server to support your entry and provide more background information to the judges.  These might include news clippings, work samples, videos, photographs, etc.

80. Communications or PR Campaign of the Year: Recognizing excellence in public relations, press relations, and publicity programs by or for women since July 1, 2018. 
  a. Arts & Entertainment: campaigns/programs undertaken to promote or raise awareness of an artistic or entertainment endeavor, event, or program.
  b. Communications Research: recognizing research conducted for the development of business / communication strategies. 
  c. Community Relations: campaigns/programs that aim to improve relations with communities in which the sponsoring organization has an interest, need or opportunity.
  d. Corporate Communications: campaigns/programs that enhance a company's overall reputation through corporate communications. 
  e. Crisis Communications: campaigns/programs undertaken to deal with an unplanned event and requiring immediate response.
  f. Environmental: campaigns/programs focused on an environmental issue with substantial results for society. 
  g. Events & Observances: campaigns/programs that generate awareness of or document commemorations, observances, openings, celebrations, and other types of events.
  h. Global Issues: campaigns/programs that demonstrate effective global communications implemented in at least two countries.
  i. Healthcare: campaign/programs in the healthcare sector, including business-to-business and consumer campaigns.
  j. Internal Communications: campaigns/programs undertaken to inform or educate an internal audience, such as employees or members. Separate awards will be given in this category for organizations with up to 100 and more than 100 employees.
  k. Investor Relations: campaigns/programs undertaken to communicate information to a company's investors and the investment community and/or to manage the company's relationship with investors. 
  l. Issues Management: campaigns/programs undertaken to deal with issues that could extraordinarily affect ongoing business strategy.
  m. Low Budget (under $10,000 / € 8500 ): campaigns/programs that cost no more than $10,000 / € 8500 to plan and implement.
  n. Marketing – Business to Business: campaigns/programs designed to introduce new products or promote existing products or services to a business audience.
  o. Marketing – Consumer Products: campaigns/programs designed to introduce new products or promote existing products to a consumer audience.
  p. Marketing – Consumer Services: campaigns/programs designed to introduce new services or promote existing services to a consumer audience.
  q. Media Relations: recognizing effective traditional media relations in a PR campaign.
  r. Multicultural: campaigns/programs specifically targeted to a cultural group.
  s. New Product Launch: campaigns/programs undertaken to introduce a new product or service to the marketplace.
  t. Reputation/Brand Management: campaigns/programs designed to enhance, promote or improve the reputation of an organization with its publics or key elements of its publics.
  u. Public Affairs: campaigns/programs specifically designed to influence public policy and/or affect legislation, regulations, political activities or candidacies.
  v. Public Service: campaigns/programs that advance public understanding of societal issues, problems or concerns.
  w. Social Media Focused: campaigns/programs designed to be implemented primarily through online social media.       
  x. Sponsorship: campaigns/programs that promote or create awareness of sponsorship of an event or activity.
  y Technology: campaign/programs in the technology sector, including business-to-business and consumer campaigns. 
  z. Travel & Tourism: campaigns/programs designed to advance the interests of clients in the transport, travel, hotel or tourism industries.   

81. Marketing Campaign of the Year: Recognizing excellence in marketing by or for women since July 1, 2018. Advertising campaigns are comprised of paid media only. Marketing campaigns may include a combination of paid media and other types of communication.
   a. Business-to-Business Advertising Campaign of the Year
   b. Business-to-Business Marketing Campaign of the Year
   c. Consumer Advertising Campaign of the Year
   d. Consumer Marketing Campaign of the Year
   e. Mobile Marketing Campaign of the Year
   f. Online Marketing Campaign of the Year
   g. Retail/Merchandising Marketing Campaign of the Year
   h. Small-Budget Marketing Campaign of the Year (<$3 million / €2.5 million)
   i. Viral Marketing Campaign of the Year


Media (Developed for/by Women) Awards Categories

Entries in these categories require the following:
1. A video of up to three (3) minutes, describing the nominated work - it's development, purpose, and performance to date,  OR a written essay of up to 200 words describing the same .
2. The nominated work itself, which you should upload to our server via the uploading tool on our online entry form.
3. Optionally, you can provide creative and production credits for the work, such as writers, creative directors, and programmers.

82. Website or Blog of the Year: Recognizing excellence in web sites and blogs created and maintained by or for women. There is no eligibility period requirement for this category - it doesn't matter when the site or blog was first published.
83. Event of the Year: Recognizing events of all types staged for women since July 1, 2018.
84. Smartphone or Tablet App of the Year: Recognizing excellence in smartphone and tablet apps produced by or for women.  Entries in this category require a demonstration video of the app of up to three (3) minutes in length.
85. Video of the Year: Recognizing excellence in videos produced by or for women since July 1, 2018.

Achievement Categories

These new categories will recognize the achievements of organizations that are working to make the workplace and the world at large fairer, safer and more supportive to women.  Any organization - not just those that are owned or run by women - may submit nominations to these categories.

Entries to these categories require the following:
1. A video of up to five (5) minutes, explaining the achievements since July 1, 2018, OR a written essay of up to 525 words describing the same
2. A biography of up to 125 words of the leader of the nominated organization
3. Optional (but highly recommended), a collection of supporting files and web addresses that you may upload to our server to support your entry and provide more background information to the judges.

87. Achievement in Equal Pay.  This category will recognize the achievements since July 1, 2018 of organizations that have taken active measures to ensure that women in their employ receive equal pay for the same work performed by men.

88. Achievement in Developing and Promoting Women.  This category will recognize the achievements since July 1, 2018 of organizations that have taken active measures to support and develop the careers of women in their employ and to help those women climb the corporate ladder to executive positions.

89. Achievement in Promoting Work-Life Balance.  This category will recognize the achievements since July 1, 2018 of organizations that have taken active measures to meet the work-life balance needs and requirements of women.  Examples might include flexible work arrangements, pregnancy accommodation, provision of day care, etc.

90. Achievement in Women-related Corporate Social Responsibility.  This category will recognize the achievements since July 1, 2018 of organizations whose corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs or activities aim to advance the well-being of women of any age outside the workplace, in any situation, anywhere in the world.

HCL's Red Ladder Women in Technology Categories HCL Logo

Only nominees with a sponsor-provided promotion code may submit nominations to these categories.

91. Digital Transformer of the Year

92. Excellence in Transforming Business

93. Leadership in NextGen Technology

94. Leader in Operational Excellence

95. Leader in Transforming Customer Engagement

96. Transformational Sourcing Relations Leadership