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She Takes on the World Inc.

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2013, Click to Enter The 2014 Steve Awards for Women in Business

Company: She Takes on the World Inc., Kitchener, ON, Canada
Entry Submitted By: Natalie MacNeil Productions
Company Description: She Takes On The World Inc. is an award- winning media and publishing company that focuses on business and personal development for women entrepreneurs.
Nomination Category: Media Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Website of the Year

Nomination Title: The New, A Digital Playground For Ambitious Women

When was this website first published? was first published as Natalie MacNeil's personal blog in 2007-2008. It quickly gained a loyal following of women entrepreneurs around the world, and was the winner of "Blog of the Year" at the 2010 Stevie Awards for Women In Business. With a desire to make sure reflects the brand we are today, in 2012 Natalie embarked on creating a fresh new interactive online experience that is second to none in its niche. The new website was birthed in July 2013.

Briefly describe the purpose of the nominated web site and its impact and results to date (up to 125 words):

The latest version of took nearly 12 months to develop because we wanted to create a digital playground for women entrepreneurs that combines a variety of interactive content, including our She Takes on the World TV series, meditation audios, stunning images, and engaging written content. Our purpose is to regularly provide women entrepreneurs with a dose of soaring inspiration and practical advice, and tap them into an international community of ambitious women through our monthly Conquer Club meetups that take place around the globe. The impact and reach of continues to grow in leaps and bounds, with recognition by Forbes on "Top 10 Sites For Women Entrepreneurs" and being included on the ForbesWoman "Top 100 Websites For Women" alongside Oprah and Rachael Ray.

List the names and titles of the people who are involved in creating and maintaining the nominated web site:

Natalie MacNeil, Chieftess & Visionary

Marie Poulin, Digital Architect & Designer Extraordinaire.