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Gold Stevie Award Winner 2013, Click to Enter The 2014 Steve Awards for Women in Business

Company: Interakt, New York, NY USA
Entry Submitted By: WalkerSands Communications
Company Description: Interakt is a full-service digital communications company that strengthens global brands through Communications inside out™.
Nomination Category: Individual Awards Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Services –11 to 2,500 Employees

Nomination Title: Redickaa Subramanian, CEO and Chief Strategist, Interakt Digital Communications Group

Describe for the judges the activities and accomplishments of the nominated entrepreneur since the beginning of July last year (up to 525 words):

Redickaa Subramanian’s entrepreneurial journey began in 2004, when, as a highly successful global creative practice director in an international technology solutions company, she decided to venture out on her own to pursue her passion for content and her vision of the future of digital communication.

A venture that started out in a coffee shop in Singapore with the support of business partner Dakshen R and a total of $6,000 to invest, the Interakt Digital Group is now a thriving, growing enterprise of nearly 200 employees in 10 offices worldwide. Despite numerous acquisition attempts by larger global agencies, Redickaa chose the more challenging, but infinitely more satisfying path of independence guided by three core values: curiosity, passion and drive.

Redickaa enthusiastically promotes Interakt’s philosophy of Communications Inside OutTM, an approach that builds strong brands by aligning brand positioning and brand promise with brand delivery and brand experience. Key to this alignment are carefully crafted internal and external communications delivered through Interakt’s four core practices: Engaged Learning, Digital Marketing, User Experience and Technology.

Over the past year, Redickaa’s leadership as Interakt’s CEO and chief strategist has advanced the company’s aggressive growth strategy by putting this philosophy to work within Interakt as well as for its diverse client base across multiple verticals worldwide.

Inside Interakt

• Opened new offices in the United States (San Francisco, Chicago) and India (Delhi, Bengaluru) to extend brand presence in high-potential markets

• Deployed an expanded global business development, client service, and communications strategy to firmly establish Interakt as a global player, to promote its inside/out philosophy, and to enhance service delivery

• Leveraged the company’s creative technology expertise by greatly expanding Interakt’s proprietary Global Delivery Platform to:

O Facilitate collaboration, communication, and transparent project management with clients across geographies and time zones
O Increase internal operational efficiencies, reporting, and performance measurement
O Provide a state-of-the-art staff training and communications platform

Client wins:

• Achieved 300% growth in the US market. This included working with global brands Nalco and Ecolab in niche areas such as air, water and energy systems. For example, using Interakt’s signature inside/out approach and her highly developed business strategy skills, Redickaa led the development and delivery of Nalco enVision, an enterprise-wide sales and service data and communications platform that included automated sales and service processes, a client-facing portal, a global sales training program, and comprehensive internal communications.

• Achieved 125% growth in Asia-Pacific. This included expansion of Interakt’s engagement with beauty giant Estee Lauder Companies and its array of brands with innovative consumer boutique sites for the travel retail segment, digital asset management, and in-trend mobile reports for C-Level executives.

Other accomplishments:

• Demonstrated global thought leadership through contributed articles and interviews on digital marketing and technology in business and trade media in the US and APAC, speaking engagements at industry events, and an invitation to sit on the judging panel of the Digital Media Awards 2012 (Asia Pacific)

• Formalized Interakt’s corporate social responsibility commitment by launching the Padma Sundaram Foundation Trust to support education, digital literacy and preservation of culture in India, and by example, inspiring Interakt employees to be a part of the movement, donating both time and money to the effort.

Provide a brief biography of the nominated entrepreneur (up to 125 words):

Redickaa Subramanian is a global advertising, marketing and technology expert and the co-founder and CEO of Interakt Digital Communications Group, a digital marketing and communications firm headquartered in Singapore. Through her strategic insight and hands-on leadership, she has guided Interakt’s growth to approximately 200 associates with operations on four continents.

As Interakt’s chief strategist, she specializes in helping global companies deliver their brand promise inside/out by aligning all audiences and messaging, internally and externally. She has worked with some of the world’s most respected brands, including Citibank, Ecolab, Lenovo, Nalco, Sony, Hewlett-Packard, Acer, HSBC, Motorola, Levi’s® and Estee Lauder Companies.

Redickaa earned her MBA at the State University of New York at Buffalo and was named “Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year 2007” by DBS-SICCI.