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ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: MediaMind, New York, New York
Company Description: MediaMind is a leading global provider of digital advertising campaign management solutions to advertising agencies and advertisers. MediaMind provides an integrated platform to manage campaigns across digital media channels and a variety of formats. In 2010, MediaMind delivered campaigns for 9,000 brand advertisers,8,200 global web publishers in 64 countries.
Nomination Category: Marketing Awards Campaign Categories - Industry
Nomination Sub Category: Marketing Campaign of the Year - Media & Entertainment

Nomination Title: MediaMind Avatar Home Entertainment Release

    Tell the story of this nominated marketing campaign for the judges (up to 500 words). Describe the genesis, planning, execution, and results to date of your campaign. If applicable, remember to describe what's unique or innovative about your campaign:

        Since Avatar is no ordinary movie, it required an interactive ad that went
beyond any other rich media ad. Using groundbreaking video technology,
MediaMind along with 20th Century Fox and ThinkJam created a global home
entertainment campaign that took the user experience to another level. Viewers
were able to zoom in or out of any frame, pause at any point and select hot
spots without ever leaving the setting. By clicking on points of interest,
consumers were allowed to access extended clips from the film and in-depth
information about the world and inhabitants of Pandora.

This industry first experience reached markets worldwide with publishers
willing to run an ad that pushed the boundaries of digital advertising to the
next level. The ads made a debut simultaneously across the web in 15 markets
around the world. While there have been interactive videos before, now have
ever created the immersive experience and/or executed before for a home
entertainment release.

    List hyperlinks to any online work samples, videos, images, presentations, news stories, press releases, or other documents that support your case. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, []:

    Provide a brief biography of the leader of the team that planned and executed this marketing campaign (up to 100 words):

        Keith Aylmore, Creative Sales Engineer, MediaMind is the brilliant mastermind
behind this groundbreaking Avatar campaign. He has been with MediaMind since
December 2005 and earned his BA in Visual Communication at Kent Institute of
Art and Design. Team leaders also include: Mark Levien, Executive Director of
Digital Marketing 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Monica Leung, Media
Supervisor at Moxie Interactive; Daniel Robey, Managing Director at ThinkJam