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Hearts & Science, New York, New York: Into the Metaverse

Company: Hearts & Science, New York, NY
Company Description: Hearts & Science is a marketing agency recoding media for emotional connection at scale. On the pulse of the industry, Hearts & Science was founded with a special focus on data analytics and a foundation of heart.
Nomination Category: Video Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Branded Entertainment - Consumer
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Into the Metaverse
  1. The date on which this nominated production was first distributed or otherwise made public:

    November 2021

  2. Briefly describe this entry’s communications objectives and how it met those objectives (up to 200 words):

    Total 197 words used.

    For our audience to better understand the large impact AT&T Fiber has on the growth of the Metaverse, we first needed to educate our audience on the term itself. So instead of creating a campaign in the Metaverse, we used it as base for a branded content campaign.

    Together with WIRED Brand Lab, we created a custom 3-episode documentary charting the history of the Metaverse.

    We bundled our AT&T Fiber branded content with on-site media distribution of the video series and utilized short-form cutdowns of the docu-series to further amplify the content across social, driving viewers to the full-length episodes.

    The videos reminded viewers that Metaverse advancement is predicated on the fast internet speeds of Fiber while content tied back to AT&T by blending shots featuring AT&T-powered hardware with the endless possibilities that AT&T Fiber powers.

    “Into the Metaverse” was recognized as a Pressboard Media Top 100 Content Program in 2021, from a selection of 8,800+ branded content partnerships across industries.

    The three custom videos drew a viewership audience of 589K, overdelivering by +61% with a 47.47% video clickthrough rate, +33% above Conde Nast benchmarks. In total, the video series garnered 8.7M total impressions.

  3. Optionally you may list the creative and production credits for your nominated production - the people who helped to bring it to life: Advertising Agency/City: Client: Art Director: Cinematographer: Creative Director: Designer: Director: Illustrator/City: Music Producer/City: Photographer/City: Printer/City: Producer: Production Company/City: Programmer: Writer: Web Development Firm/City:

    Creative Director: Jane Garcia Buhks and Tamara Sangdow

    Film Production Company : Grand Cuts 
    Executive Producer and Director: Marshall McDonald

    Additional Credits
    Anna Shkolnikov - Executive Producer   
    Chris D’Agostino – Producer   
    Tamino Castro  - Director of Photography 

    Veronica Lech – Associate Director, Branded Entertainment
    Kaila Roti  - Executive Director, Branded Entertainment  
    Hannah Reens – Director, Branded Entertainment  
    Chris Hannon – Lead Marketing Manager 

Into the Metaverse
URL Branded Article introducing Video Series
URL Video: Into the Metaverse - The Origins
URL Video: Into the Metaverse: The Present
URL Video: Into the Metaverse: The Possibilities
URL Campaign Summary Film