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ABA11 Winner / How to Enter

Company: ActionCOACH, Las Vegas, NV
Company Description: ActionCOACH is a business coaching and executive coaching firm, with more than 1,000 offices in 26 countries. Founder and CEO Brad Sugars started ActionCOACH over 15 years ago.
Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Best Overall Company of the Year - Up to 100 Employees

Nomination Title: ActionCOACH

    Tell the story about what this nominated company achieved since January 1 2010 (up to 500 words). Focus on specific accomplishments, and relate these accomplishments to past performance or industry norms. Be sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and outcomes:

        2010 was a very busy year at ActionCOACH…

        Six new countries were introduced to the ActionCOACH system in 2010, includes
territories in Netherlands Antilles, Suriname and Venezuela. ActionCOACH is now
in 32 countries and will continue to look for the next horizon.

        One of the most exciting things about 2010 was the awards that ActionCOACH
garnered throughout the year. Among the awards won by ActionCOACH in 2010 were
the #1 Business Coaching Franchise by Entrepreneur Magazine, #16 in Franchise
Satisfaction according to the Franchise Business Review and #65 in the Franchise
500 Ranking for 2010 by Entrepreneur Magazine.

        ActionCOACH also announced a Seven Point, 17 Week Guarantee in late 2010. This
Guarantee is based on results for small business owners, anchored by the promise
that the industry-leading business coaches will “find their fee” in any client’s
business within 17 weeks of coaching or the service is free. 

        Another exciting development was the Business is Booming Tour. Brad Sugars,
ActionCOACH Chairman and Founder, presented his "Business is Booming" tour, from
February through November 2010. Sugars shared his 28 proven strategies and
"secrets" for growing any business in the current economic conditions. He
traveled to 46 cities in the United Stated, seven in Australia and Europe, three
in South Africa and four in Mexico on the tour.

        ActionCOACH also created a new website for the franchise side of the business,
ActionCOACHfranchise.com, and re-launched the main website, actioncoach.com,
with a new look and feel that makes it easier for business owners to navigate.

        In March 2010, ActionCOACH wrapped up the first ever ‘Coaching for a Cause’
program. Coaching for a Cause is a far-reaching, global pro-bono coaching
program that helps non-profits and charities from all walks of life increase
their top-level goals and better manage their funds through a simple pledge
system.  The ActionCOACH business coaches were able to raise 3.4 million dollars
towards the charities of their choice.  The campaign received two Platinum
Hermes Awards; one for its Welcome Kit (containing collateral material for the
campaign) and another for the overall pro-bono campaign.

        In June, ActionCOACH came out with their own short documentary or “Coachamentry”
called the "The Business Of Coaching - Winning the Game of Business." The video
shows you how, through business coaching , business owners are able to overcome
adversity, financial worries, while gaining a better understanding of marketing,
sales, time management, and leadership. You may view this video on ActionCOACH.com.

        With the business coaching industry rapidly growing, it will be exciting to see
where ActionCOACH will be in the upcoming years.

    List hyperlinks to any online news stories, press releases, or other documents that support the claims made in the section above. IMPORTANT: Begin each link with http://, and enclose each link in square brackets; for example, [http://www.youraddress.com]:


    Provide a brief (up to 100 words) biography about the leader of this nominated company:

        Brad Sugars is the Founder and Chairman of ActionCOACH, the world's number one
business coaching firm with more than 1,000 offices in 32 countries. Not only
did he guide the company to new levels of growth over the past several years, he
also set direction in terms of vision and strategy for ActionCOACH worldwide. He
is also responsible for the company's culture - enrolling and inspiring the
entire ActionCOACH team to live and abide by our 14 Points of Culture,
guidelines that help set ActionCOACH apart as a company and that truly make it
the world's leading business coaching firm.