Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Building the TCS Brand in South Africa: A Journey of Innovation and Sustainability

Company: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Company Description: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization. As part of Tata group, India's largest multinational business group, TCS is known as the 2nd most valuable and strongest IT services brand in the world. TCS has been actively present in Middle East & Africa over 30 years with more than 150 clients across different domains and industries.
Nomination Category: Marketing Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Innovation in Brand Development
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Building the TCS Brand in South Africa: A Journey of Innovation and Sustainability
  1. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the nominated innovative achievements since July 1 2021:

    Total 599 words used.

    Established in 1968, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a global IT services, consulting, and technology solutions organization. As a part of Tata group, India's largest multinational business group, TCS has major businesses spanning across 55 countries in all continents.

    One of the core brand identities of TCS lies in building the communities wherever TCS has physical presence and thereby creating the future generation sustainably. The inception of TCS Sustainathon South Africa emerged as a response to sustainability issues in the country, where TCS has been present for over 25 years. Here's why TCS Sustainathon South Africa stands as a prime contender for the 'Innovation in Brand Development' award: a groundbreaking initiative that not only addresses societal challenges, but also significantly contributes to building the TCS brand in an innovative manner.  

    What is TCS Sustainathon?

    TCS Sustainathon is a competition that empowers the youth to leverage technology to solve real-life sustainability challenges in their community. This program was created with the aim of building the brand narrative in South Africa in synchronous with sustainability, technology, and need of STEM education.

    We launched TCS Sustainathon in South Africa in 2022 for the first time for school students, around the theme ‘Ensuring Zero Hunger’, which aligns with UN SDG goal 2. We saw several out-of-the-box solutions and hence for this year, we launched Chapter 2 of the event in a larger forum for college and university students on SDG goal 6 ‘Sustainable Water and Sanitation Management’.

    A Journey of Impact and Innovation

    TCS Sustainathon South Africa 2023 saw a staggering 4 million+ impressions on Meta campaigns. Over 8 lakh individuals showed keen interest in knowing about the program and the brand, engaging with our digital campaigns.

    The initiative has also generated over 80 groundbreaking innovative tech-solution ideas, showcasing the power of collective innovation. The program's success is further cemented by over 21 award-winning ideas that are tangible, implementable solutions.

    In the Spotlight

    A media audit run by our PR partner Ogilvy in South Africa in 2021 showed that almost 50% of local media channels did not recognize TCS brand, and claimed that owing to lack of local representation, the brand is difficult to resonate with.  

    With the introduction of this initiative, more than 30 national and regional media publications and TV/radio shows have covered the program. This generated talks in prime-time spots and through various articles about the impact TCS brand is creating in inspiring communities and students in the field of STEM education and sustainability.

    This media visibility has not only elevated the brand's profile but has also positioned TCS as a thought leader in the intersection of technology and sustainability.

    Cultivating Talent and Partnerships

    In addition to fostering relationships with over 55 colleges & universities across South Africa, this innovative program has created a dramatic TCS brand image change in the minds of graduate student community – who serves as the talent pool for the company.

    TCS Sustainathon has helped onboard nine new partners – which includes government, academic, private enterprises, NGOs, etc. which helped in building the brand narrative as an organization that values collective efforts in addressing global challenges and aligns seamlessly with SDG Goal 17.

    At the Forefront of Change

    The impressive number of impressions, media coverage, corporate partnerships, and the influx of aspiring talent all contribute to a narrative that goes beyond traditional brand building.

    In essence, TCS Sustainathon has become a beacon of innovation, showcasing that addressing societal issues and brand development are not mutually exclusive. The initiative has successfully demonstrated that a company can build its brand by aligning itself with causes that matter.

Building the TCS Brand in South Africa: A Journey of Innovation and Sustainability
PDF TCS_Sustainathon_South_Africa_2023___Attachements.pdf
MOV TCS_Sustainathon_Website.mov