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Sustainability Awards Categories

New for 2025. These categories will recognize achievements since the beginning of July 2022 of individuals, teams, and entire organizations to plan, approach, and achieve organizational, industry, or national sustainability goals.
   Nominations that won in the 2024 edition of the awards may be resubmitted for consideration to the 2025 awards. If they have been updated with recent achievements, they may be resubmitted to the categories in which they won.  If they have not been updated, they must be submitted to categories different from those in which they won.

Information to be submitted online for entries in these categories include
a. An essay of up to 625 words describing the nominee's innovative achievements since July 1 2022.
b. Optional (but highly recommended), a collection of supporting files and web addresses that you may upload to our server to support your entry and provide more background information to the judges.

Y01. Award for Most Innovative Corporate Sustainability Program
This category acknowledges an organization’s comprehensive sustainability program that integrates ESG factors into its strategy and operations. Recognized programs will demonstrate measurable outcomes in reducing environmental impact, promoting social equity, and ensuring robust governance.

Y02. Sustainable Product/Services of the Year
This category recognizes products and services reflecting a significant commitment to sustainability. Entries should showcase how they minimize environmental impact, promote social responsibility, and deliver value through sustainable practices.

Y03. Award for Most Innovative Community Impact
This category recognizes projects and initiatives that have positively impacted local communities through sustainable practices and environmental stewardship, contributing to long-term sustainability.

Y04. Award for Most Innovative Social Impact
This category recognizes initiatives that have significantly improved social conditions through sustainable practices in areas such as community development, education, or healthcare.

Y05. Award for Most Innovative Sustainable Partnership
This category acknowledges collaborations between organizations, governments, or communities that have achieved significant sustainability outcomes through innovative partnerships.

Y06. Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution to Sustainability
This category honors individuals who have made significant contributions to sustainability through innovative practices, leadership, and dedication to advancing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals.