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SOCAR Turkiye, Istanbul, Turkey: GENERATION-D Class of 2023

Company: SOCAR Turkiye - İstanbul - Turkiye
Company Description: SOCAR Türkiye, a subsidiary of SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic), initiated its business operations in Turkey in 2008. SOCAR Turkey encompasses the best-in-breed companies such as Petkim, TANAP, STAR Refinery, SOCAR Terminal, Petkim RES (Wind Power Plant), Bursagaz, Kayserigaz, Enervis, SOCAR Enerji Ticaret, Millenicom, SOCAR Ticaret and SOCAR Depolama.
Nomination Category: Human Resources Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Innovation in Human Resources Management, Planning & Practice - Other Service Industries
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: GENERATION-D Class of 2023
  1. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the nominee's innovative achievements since July 1 2021:

    Total 601 words used.

    Program Development

    Starting in 2021, SOCAR Türkiye has focused on to the digitalization of business processes as well as positioning digital transformation as one of the key value levers.

    Digital Transformation is not possible without the proper involvement of the organization itself. It is not simply about introducing new technologies. Although it is possible to enable adoption per project and technology, without proper competencies built across the organization digital transformation cannot be sustainable. 

    With this very specific objective in mind SOCAR Türkiye Digital Transformation Team has committed itself to build these competencies and create digitalization champions across all the functions of the business. Generation Digital Program (in short referred as GEN-D) has been created with this objective in mind with laser focus on nourishing and enabling digital competencies of non-technical personnel therefore enabling the upskilling and reskilling of the workforce. In a nutshell GEN-D is the transformational digital competency development program, creating SOCAR Turkey’s new digital generation.

    The program design has started with an extensive literature review of the academic papers as well as reports and resources including but not limited to the following:

    • World Economic Forum - The Future of Jobs Report 2020
    • World Economic Forum - Building a Common Language for Skills at Work A Global Taxonomy
    • European Commission - DigComp 2.0: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens
    • European Commission - European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators
    • Jisc organisational digital capabilities maturity model (under the terms of the Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND))

    As a result of this exercise a clear definition of digital competency and six core areas of activity particularly pertinent to corporate organizations and the digital capabilities these require were identified.

    In the context of GEN-D Program digital competency is defined as the combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes for the confident, critical and creative use of digital technology to achieve goals related to work, employability learning, leisure, inclusion and participation in society.

    Measurable Benefits

    As a result of the program’s first year implementation (2022-2023) the following objectives have been achieved:

    • Over 300 digital contents (articles, books, podcasts) published on the GEN-D Teams Community for easy access to latest developments in the digital frontier.
    • 12 digitalization project ideas were created by GEN-D, 4 of which have been submitted to the Digital Transformation Roadmap for realization. The ideas were created during 4-week IDEATHON engagement where participants learned and applied Design Thinking Methodologies.
    • Over 60 hours of online/on demand learning has been completed by all participants
    • 36 hours of Data Citizenship classroom learning completed on data collection, data quality and visualization and data-driven decision making.
    • 6 organization-wide Digitalks sessions have been broadcasted during 2023. Start up founders, global technology trend analysts, innovation hub leaders and other SMEs were guest speakers.
    • An organization-wide Data Privacy Awareness Campaign has been designed launched by GEN-D participants and admins. The campaign was structured to coincide with the International Data Privacy Day and supported by Cyber Security Teams as well.
    • 15 of GEN-D 2023 participants have started mentoring GEN-D 2024 members.
    • GEN-D members became part of the Digital Transformation Team as digital champions. They took part in pilot, proof of concept and testing phases for cutting edge technologies implemented by the Digital Transformation Team such as Citizen Developer Program and Conversational AI (Chatbot) Initiative.
    • As the graduation project GEN-Ds kicked-off GEN-D Roadshows in which they presented their 1-year learning and development journey to the selected business functions. The presentations included possible use cases that could turn into value generating projects for those functions.
    • Leadership Roundtables has been structured for CxO focusing on Digital Transformation to support a top-down digitalization sponsorship.
GENERATION-D Class of 2023
PDF GEN_D_Lessons_Learned___Testimonials.pdf
PDF GEN_D_Missions.pdf
PDF GEN_D_Program_Concept.pdf
MP4 GEN_DVideo_rev2.mp4