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Saudi Aramco, Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia: Northern Area Production Engineering Department (NAPED) MENA

Company: Saudi Aramco
Company Description: Northern Area Production Engineering (NAPED) Is the custodian of Around 5000 wells of all types in 13 onshore and offshore fields under Northern Area Oil Operations Admin Area of Saudi Aramco. Department Vision is to maximize wells potential while retaining healthy well life cycle by deploying best-in-class, financially viable, innovative, technologically advanced production engineering.
Nomination Category: Company / Organization Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Excellence in Innovation in Business Product & Service Industries - Organizations with 100 or More Employees
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Northern Area Production Engineering Department (NAPED) MENA
  1. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the nominated organization's innovative achievements since July 1 2021. Describe the organization's innovative achievements in at least three (3) of the following areas: organizational management, corporate social responsibility, financial management, corporate communications, customer service, human resources and employee development, information technology, marketing, product design & development, and research & development:

    Total 555 words used.

    NAPED has consistently demonstrated a commitment to merging technology and industry needs, ensuring that innovations genuinely address real-world challenges. NAPED Well Integrity Surveillance Dashboard is a resounding testament to this vision. The Well Integrity Surveillance Dashboard encapsulates NAPED commitment to integrity surveillance with data-driven insights, ensuring our wells are continually evaluated for safe and reliable production meeting the energy demand.

    Information Technology:

    The Well Integrity Surveillance Dashboard is a big step forward in the implementation of IR 4.0 technologies and advanced IT solutions.  

    1. Machine Learning Mastery: Advanced algorithms power the dashboard, turning it into a predictive tool. By analyzing trends and previous data, it can pinpoint the next possible point of failure, allowing engineers to act before an issue escalates. This not only optimizes operations but also significantly optimizes costs.
    2. IoT at Its Best: The integration of IoT means the dashboard isn’t just static. It's constantly evolving, fed by real-time data from various sensors and transmitters in the field. Whether it’s data on annuli integrity, temperature logging, or choke valve size, engineers have access to the most current information, empowering them to make data-driven decisions.
    3. Trend Analysis and Predictive Insights: One of the dashboard’s main features is its capability for trend analysis. By assessing patterns and collating data on pressure, temperature, flow rate, and more, users can discern the most recurrent problems. This doesn't just help in current troubleshooting but also in framing future preventive strategies.

    Customer Service:

    1. One of the most significant benefits of the Well Integrity Surveillance Dashboard is its direct impact on improving services for our field-operating customers. For the departments actively managing the wells, this dashboard is a game-changer. Immediate alerts on potential problems mean that they can act quickly, reducing downtime and ensuring continuous, safe operations. Additionally, predicting common failures isn't just about identifying problems; it's also about solutions. By understanding which parts tend to fail more frequently, these departments can better manage their inventory of spare parts. This proactive approach ensures that they have the necessary items on hand when needed, minimizing delays and enhancing operational efficiency. In essence, the dashboard transforms NAPED's relationship with its customers from a reactive stance to a proactive partnership, ensuring smoother operations and heightened safety measures.

    Organizational Management:

    1. Collaborative Excellence: NAPED’s environment encourages a blend of insights from varied professionals – everyone from engineers to data experts comes together to share their knowledge. This team effort means that tools like the dashboard are built with real-life challenges in mind.
    2. Strategic Vision: By focusing on the transformative potential of IR 4.0 technologies, NAPED aligned its talents and resources to usher in the next wave of industry solutions. This strategic alignment, exemplified by the dashboard, has set new standards in organizational foresight and execution.

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

    NAPED's commitment to CSR is unwavering. Through the Well Integrity Surveillance Dashboard, the company has underscored its dedication to broader societal and environmental imperatives.

    1. Prioritizing Safety: The dashboard's detailed insights into well integrity, spanning both onshore and offshore sites, equips engineers with tools to preemptively spot issues. And this results in enhanced safety measures that protect assets and more importantly, human lives.
    2. Environmental Stewardship: With functionalities like corrosion logging and cathodic protection, the dashboard is NAPED’s tool to ensure environmental conservation. By timely identifying potential threats, NAPED emphasizes its promise of sustainable and eco-friendly operations.
Northern Area Production Engineering Department (NAPED) MENA
PDF Real_Time_Prediction_of_Choke_Health_Using_Production_Data_Integrated_withAI.pdf
PDF IoT_in_Offshore_Operations_Business_Implications_and_Opportunities.pdf
PDF Patent.pdf
PDF Development_of_a_Gas_Flow_Rate_Model_for_Multi_Stage_Choke_System_inHPHT_Gas_Wells_Using_Artificial_Intelligence.pdf