Mobile Communications Company of Iran - MCI, Tehran, Iran: An Unconventional Grand Prize

Company: Mobile Communications Company of Iran - MCI
Company Description: Mobile Communications Company of Iran, commonly abbreviated as MCI and also known under its brand name Hamrah-e Avval, is the first and largest mobile operator in Iran. MCI has over 75 million active subscribers which makes it the biggest one in the Middle East. MCI service is available in 1,239 cities and over 70,000 kilometers of roads in Iran.
Nomination Category: Video Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Innovation in Internal Communications Videos
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: An Unconventional Grand Prize
  1. Provide the date on which this nominated video was released:

    13th of January 2023

  2. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the video and the innovative aspects of the video that you are nominating:

    Total 565 words used.

    The "Grand Prize" video was produced in late 2022 with the aim of increasing employees' organizational commitment at MCI. This video, created in the form of a short documentary, portrays a peculiar and unique workday at MCI: a day when 10 senior managers of the organization contact one of their colleagues and inform them that they have won a company lottery and should quickly reach the lobby of the central building to receive their prize. A significant prize awaits these 10 individuals...

    People are eager to get to their prize as soon as possible but do not know what awaits them. They might think they are going to receive money or a valuable item, but the prize is something else. The selected individuals from various departments of the company have been chosen because they all share two common characteristics:

     1- They have achieved the highest scores in performance management in the past year. 2- They are all distanced from their families for a reason. Throughout the video, we realize that the main prize for these individuals is their encounter with a compassionate and emotional message from their mothers...

    Why did we produce this video?

    Our goal in creating this video was to design a unique, authentic, and astonishing scenario that would create interaction and dynamism among the company's employees. We wanted to show our employees that beyond financial contracts and efforts to create ideal working conditions, they, as individuals, colleagues, and associates, matter to us. We aimed to demonstrate that we stand beside our employees and, beyond being a business, we are their friends and supporters, caring about their well-being.

    Production process

    Two days before producing the video, we announced through the internal communication channel that a New Year's greeting video for the company would be made in the lobby of the central building of MCI. This way, we desensitized the presence of cameras in the company. In the production process, we used 14 cameras that ultimately provided us with different perspectives. Additionally, a week before the main recording, we secretly invited the mothers of selected employees to another building in the company to record a video of them. Mothers would attend the designated place on two consecutive days, and we respectfully hosted them, promising not to reveal today's story to their children under any circumstances. Fortunately, they all cooperated with us. On the promised day, senior managers from each department contacted a selected specialist and asked them to come to the company's central building. We briefly depicted this process at the beginning of the video. Then, with the presence of employees, the execution team was ready to guide them to the lottery scene and receiving the award. This part of the video, until its end, consists entirely of real images and moments captured by our cameras, providing an endearing output filled with emotions, longings, beautiful sentences, and maternal affection.


    What astonished us as creators of the video were the numerous and positive reactions and feedback from the company's employees. After the video was published on the internal organizational network, it was quickly shared among employees, receiving a significant number of reactions and comments, leading to the highest engagement statistics in our internal communication channels last year. Most employees embraced the video as a new and creative form, appreciating our demonstration of the value and credibility of mothers within our organization on Mother's Day.

  3. Optionally, you may list creative and production credits for your video - a list of the people and organizations that contributed to its development:

    Contributors to Grand Prize Video

    Supervision Team:

    Jafar Boloul Azari - CHRO at MCI

    Saeed Aliasgari - GM of HR Design and Development at MCI

    Mahboobe Hajkazemi - Employee Experience Manager at MCI

    Development Team:

    Mehdi Hamedian Rad – Producer of the Video

    Their collective expertise, dedication, and commitment have been instrumental in Grand Prize video

An Unconventional Grand Prize