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KAUST, Jeddah, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia: The Innovative Use of Technology in Customer Service

Company: KAUST, Jeddah, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Company Description: Established in 2009, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is a graduate research university devoted to finding solutions for some of the most pressing scientific and technological challenges in the world as well as Saudi Arabia in the areas of food and health, water, energy, environment and the digital domain. KAUST is a curiosity-driven, interdisciplinary.
Nomination Category: Customer Service Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for the Innovative Use of Technology in Customer Service - Non-Profit
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: The Innovative Use of Technology in Customer Service
  1. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the nominee's innovative achievements since July 1 2021:

    Total 565 words used.

    The Innovative Use of Technology in Customer Service is a main pillar of the GA strategy. It was created to serve the university and its members, visitors, and employees, to improve their experience at KAUST.

    The GA (Government Affairs) established ''MY GA', which is an eServices Portal that offers more than 47 services, creates a digital identity for each KAUST community member, and is tied to their identity in KAUST’s other information systems. The portal allows nearly all interactions between the community member and GA to be managed without physical interaction.

    Our outstanding initiative in customer service. has led us from customer satisfaction to CUSTOMER HAPPINESS. We, GA and Security, focus on improving our performance. One of the key objectives is to have satisfied customers and a high rate of customer evaluation. When the customer finishes the inquiry and evaluates the service, if the evaluation is underrated, an automated email is sent to schedule an appointment within two days to discuss what may be the cause of the inconvenience. We believe that our customers are our partners in our success.

    The GA communicated and coordinated with stakeholders that can provide support and help in the innovative use of technology in customer service of our services and processes, including IT, legal, facility management, and others. GA established ''MY GA'', which is an eServices Portal that creates a digital identity for each KAUST community member and is tied to their identity in KAUST’s other information systems. The portal allows nearly all interactions between the community member and GA to be managed without physical interaction. This digital ID could potentially streamline various processes and enhance the overall customer experience.

    The goal is to effectively reduce costs and manage resources, allowing us to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks that help us provide faster and lower-cost service. This enables us to shift the human effort that previously went into these tasks to more value-adding activities elsewhere, while also increasing governance and compliance. Digitizing our services increases transparency, minimizes the risk of violations, and documents our employees' actions. Other benefits are to improve employee performance, increase internal collaboration, keep our competitive advantage, upskill and increase the knowledge of our employees, track metrics, and analyze data.

    We believe that what was creative and innovative about the initiatives was the use of digital ID technology instead of traditional physical IDs. This great change not only reduces costs and helps in implementing the new access management initiatives (facial recognition and QR code), but also allows ID holders to not be worried about forgetting their IDs at home or losing them. Having all services on one platform with easy access is at the heart of innovation. Allowing customers to provide real-time feedback on all services also makes it easy for us to collect considerable data for evaluation and improvement.

    ''MY GA'', which is an eServices Portal, allows us to better manage resources in terms of budget and staff allocation. We relocated resources (personnel) to perform more critical duties and to support other programs. We replaced all paper documents with electronic, digital ones. As for budget cuts and cost optimization, we managed to save $400,000 by digitizing KAUST IDs and discontinuing physical IDs, as well as by reducing the use of plastic. We improved the quality of our services and processes, strengthened the security procedures, reduced the security officer's workload, and maximized efficiency and productivity.

The Innovative Use of Technology in Customer Service
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