KABi, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Innovative AI-powered Psychometric Video Interviews

Company: KABi
Company Description: KABi is global HR Technology company specialized in the provision of AI powered talent solution. KABi was established in 2018 with the aspiration of revolutionizing the Human Capital industry to transform the professionals and business experience. our vision is to empower professionals to transform the way they work using artificial intelligence technologies.
Nomination Category: Human Resources Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for the Innovative Use of Technology in Human Resources - All Other Industries
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Innovative AI-powered Psychometric Video Interviews
  1. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the nominee's innovative achievements since July 1 2021:

    Total 505 words used.

    INVIEWS is an innovative and transformative talent evaluation platform that has been making waves in the market since its launch. By combining advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning with scientific research from psychology and organizational studies, INVIEWS has redefined the way companies screen and assess candidates. With its exceptional market performance, critical reception, and high customer satisfaction, INVIEWS has emerged as a game-changer in the HR technology space.

    Since its introduction, INVIEWS has garnered significant attention and adoption by large organizations. Its remarkable performance in optimizing human capital departments has resulted in highly satisfied clients who depend on INVIEWS for their psychometric assessments. One of the key factors contributing to its success is the product's ability to significantly reduce assessment time from the conventional 45-60 minutes to a mere 3-5 minutes, thanks to its integration of AI. This efficiency has revolutionized the HR technology landscape, allowing companies to streamline their recruitment and selection processes, saving valuable time and resources.

    INVIEWS sets itself apart through its robust scientific foundation. Leveraging insights from psychology and organizational research, INVIEWS accurately assesses crucial personality traits and soft skills that are vital for success in any role. By employing advanced technologies, such as deep neural networks, INVIEWS gains a comprehensive understanding of candidates' behavioral aspects, providing organizations with precise and reliable assessments. This scientific validity not only enhances the accuracy of candidate evaluation but also enables companies to make informed HR decisions, resulting in improved talent acquisition and retention.

    One of the standout features of INVIEWS is its ability to eliminate biases in the hiring process. Traditional methods often suffer from subjective evaluations influenced by factors like age, gender, and race. In contrast, INVIEWS employs validated scientific methods, ensuring a fair and unbiased screening process. This empowers companies to build diverse and inclusive teams that align with their values and objectives. By promoting diversity, INVIEWS helps organizations harness the benefits of varied perspectives, leading to enhanced innovation, creativity, and overall business success.

    INVIEWS has garnered high levels of customer satisfaction from its clients. Organizations have praised the product for its ability to streamline their HR processes, provide valuable insights into their employees, and save time and resources. The exceptional customer support provided by the INVIEWS team has been commended, as they have demonstrated responsiveness and guidance throughout the implementation process. Testimonials from satisfied clients highlight the transformative impact of INVIEWS on their HR operations, with improved efficiency and informed decision-making.

    INVIEWS has emerged as a revolutionary platform that is transforming talent evaluation in the HR technology space. Through its advanced technologies, scientific validity, and elimination of bias, INVIEWS empowers organizations to make accurate, fair, and informed HR decisions, resulting in successful hires and increased job satisfaction. With its exceptional market performance, critical acclaim, and high customer satisfaction, INVIEWS is poised to drive organizational success by unlocking the potential of human capital and fostering diverse and inclusive teams. As the demand for efficient and reliable talent evaluation grows, INVIEWS stands at the forefront, reshaping the future of HR practices.

Innovative AI-powered Psychometric Video Interviews
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