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Dubai Media Incorporated - Innovation in Technology Management, Planning & Implementation

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2019, Click to Enter The 2022 Middle East and North Africa Stevie® Awards

Company: Dubai Media Incorporated, Duabi, UAE
Company Description: Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI) is the official media organization of the government of Dubai. It was established in 2003 as a government-owned company comprising a number of print, radio and TV channels under its umbrella including: Dubai TV, Al Bayan, Sama Dubai TV, Dubai One, Dubai Sports, Dubai Racing, Dubai Zaman, Dubai Drama, Noor Dubai Radio & Noor Dubai TV, Dubai FM, Emarat Al Youm, Emirate
Nomination Category: Technology Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Innovation in Technology Management, Planning & Implementation - Government

Nomination Title: Pioneering IT practices and world class achievements in Media- Najla Al Qasem

Najla (Head of IT Dept. at Dubai Media Incorporated) dedicated her time and efforts and utilized her talents and skills towards delivering media content that corresponds to a “media for you” approach.

During the last few years, Najla truly understood the role of technology and innovation in aligning DMI goals to achieve the national agenda for UAE as well as and setting the bar higher for Dubai Media Incorporated as well as the leading Media institutions internationally. Najla a pioneering professional UAE national female, a wife and mother has the following achievements between 2018 - 2021:

(News in Braille) DMI Dot News: A World Class Achievement: Najla was the brains and the leadership behind the DMI launching the first smart news service in the world for people of determination (the blind) using the smart watch in Braille, a pioneer achievement.

Thakertic : One of DMI’s smart transformation services and the first smart electronic platform that represents a cultural and heritage project that chronicles the life of the UAE in all its social, economic and political paths, allowing specialists and the public to search and view a wealth of old and modern newspapers, photographs, books, audios, and videos.

Dubai Media Life” ( : A customized innovative method to facilitate and empower DMI’s reporters’ job in making media coverage in a cost-effective way. This enables reporters filming news via smart devices and uploading it automatically to the institution’s websites with a video modification feature before uploading it to the site. The application reflects a responsive-to-customers’ needs approach (“do and share”). The application was created by Najla and presented to the public during “The Innovation Week” in 2018.

Fekrati: A suggestion system developed to encourage DMI staff to submit their ideas and suggestions. This reflects Najla’s leadership style where people empowerment and involvement are key success factors.

Open Data & SMART Cities: In compliance with Dubai Data Law, Najla head the “Smart Transformation Committee from 2018 until now, and managed to achieve 100% compliance with the requirements.

Arab Journalism Award / “Smart Press Shield”: "Al Bayan" newspaper was crowned the best newspaper in the Arab world in the field of "smart journalism" and "economic journalism. Al-Bayan team was awarded the “Smart Press Shield” for using smart technologies (“artificial intelligence” techniques) to deliver “content” to recipients through launching the new features on the website including “Al-Bayan Virtual Assistant (voice assistant)” feature that allows readers to search for their favourite news by voice (NLP).

Creation and successful implementation of Al-Bayan Digitization and artificial intelligence Strategy: In alignment with UAE strategy for artificial intelligence, Al-Bayan newspaper prioritized using artificial intelligence to program the digital media to identify the audience favourite choices of news and transfer it to them regardless of their place through Al-Bayan website and smart application.

Implementing total Paperless Strategy: In alignment with Dubai Paperless Strategy, The “Smart Transformation Committee headed by Najla launched the Paperless program in 2019. DMI achieved and even exceeded the paperless government target (50%) where DMI actually became 100% paperless.

Innovate With Us” project: ( Najla created this idea and led DMI during National Innovation Week in 2019 introducing “Innovate With Us” project ensuring involving the public in the media and all government services since the media role is to link the public and the government.

Virtual Press: 100% Remote-Working Environment: In response to Covid 10 crisis and to insure business continuity, Najal and her IT team at DMI transferred “Al-Bayan” and “Emarat Al;-Youm” newspapers into fully 100% Virtual Press working environments protecting the working staff as well as the public health system. This initiative was used as a life example and success story in “Dubai Government Accelerators” Initiative.