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DHL Express Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon: You Count, We Count, Finance Counts!

Company: DHL Express Lebanon
Company Description: DHL is present in over 220 countries and territories across the globe, making it the most international company in the world. With a workforce exceeding 285,000 employees, we provide solutions for an almost infinite number of logistics needs. DHL is part of the world's leading postal and logistics Group, Deutsche Post DHL.
Nomination Category: Achievement Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Innovative Achievement in Organization Recovery
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: You Count, We Count, Finance Counts!
  1. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the nominated innovative achievement(s) in organizational turnaround or recovery since 1 July, 2021:

    Total 616 words used.

    “Employees who feel heard are more likely to feel empowered and perform better at work.”

    Nothing is impossible when it comes to providing our employees with the best place to work, the “As One” spirit, and an environment where they feel heard and appreciated.

    We at DHL Express Lebanon set the standards high, and we put our Employees first in order for them to put our customers first as well. Employees Opinion Survey has always been the most important survey in DHL. And when something is wrong, it doesn’t matter if we just know about it, we should act upon it, because our employees’ voices matter.

    During the past few years, the Finance EOS results were 92%, 93%, 94%. These results were not bad, but “Not bad” was never what we wanted at DHL. Our aim was always a perfect 100%.

    It all started in 2021!

    We changed our strategy and started focusing more on every employee’s needs through several actions:

    • One-on-one meetings
    • More recognitions
    • More trainings
    • Open-door policy
    • Digitalization
    • Finance outings
    • More PD meetings

    To further clarify, we prioritized individualized attention by conducting regular one-on-one meetings with each team member.This allowed us to address their needs and concerns, fostering a supportive&collaborative work environment.

    Creating a motivating and positive work environment is crucial for any company aiming to boost employee morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

    Recognizing and rewarding outstanding performance became on top of our to-do list each month. We started celebrating achievements more, and it wasn't limited to financial incentives. Regular praise, awards, and public acknowledgment created a sense of belonging and motivation among employees.

    We even introduced online and worldwide contests that employees could participate in, such as the Certified International Specialist(CIS) competition. They demanded significant effort,study,&extensive preparation; however, these competitions effectively broke the routine. Several individuals of our finance department took part in these contests, competing not only with fellow country members but also with employees from other countries and various departments. And guess who won… Yes, the winner of the CIS competition was one of our finance team members. This success is a testament to the commitment&motivation of our team, showcasing the high standards we have set for ourselves. This shows that even though Lebanon is one of the smallest countries that has one of the lowest number of employees; however, we have the smartest, brightest, &best employees that deserve to be treated as such, they deserve to be rewarded indeed.

    Another action is that beyond the mandatory training requirements established by DHL Express globally, we offered additional educational opportunities. This included specialized training programs such as Certified International Manager(CIM) for qualified employees, equipping them with valuable skills to further their careers.

    Furthermore, to enhance team bonding and morale, we organized more finance outings,allowing employees to connect in an enjoyable setting outside the office. These events provided opportunities for team building and motivated the employees.

    In addition to all the above, we increased Performance Dialog(PD) meetings involving the entire department. These gatherings served as valuable forums for performance evaluations,feedback, and goal-setting, promoting continuous growth and development within the team.

    Last but not least, creating a safe and open environment within our office was a top priority. We implemented an open-door policy that encouraged employees to speak up and voice their concerns without fear. This encouraged transparency and trust among the team.

    As we diligently implemented these initiatives and more, a remarkable transformation unfolded in the Finance department. We are proud to say that we consistently achieved a 100% satisfaction rating over the past three consecutive years. At DHL Express, our employees count and Finance counts, and we are thrilled to have achieved this milestone together.

You Count, We Count, Finance Counts!
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