ccc by stc, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Contact Center Company (ccc by stc)

Company: ccc by stc , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Nomination Submitted by: Contact Center Company (ccc by stc)
Company Description: ccc by stc is a pioneering Customer Experience Management provider, progressively leading the advancement of the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in Saudi Arabia and the region through local, digitized services with international standards such as COPC OSP standard. We empower businesses in Saudi Arabia and beyond to strategically optimize operations for various service lines
Nomination Category: Customer Service Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Most Innovative Contact Center of the Year - All Other Industries
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Contact Center Company (ccc by stc)
  1. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the nominated contact center's innovative achievements since 1 July 2021:

    Total 126 words used.

    We believe that innovation is the key to achieving CX excellence, and we have continuously innovated our service design to improve our customers' experiences. We have leveraged AI to automate customer interactions, implemented chatbots and voice assistants to provide personalized experiences to our customers, and implemented omnichannel solutions to ensure that our customers can interact with us on their preferred channels.
    We have integrated digital channels with our traditional channels, leveraged AI to automate customer interactions, and ensured that our agents are equipped with the latest technology to deliver seamless and personalized experiences to our customers.
    ccc by stc has also achieved the prestigious COPC certification for Outsourced Service Providers (OSP) - Release 7.0 in Saudi Arabia, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in customer service! 

Contact Center Company (ccc by stc)
PDF CCC_by_stc_compressed.pdf