Beyaz Kagıt San. ve Tic. A.S., Adana, Turkey: Asperox Magic Yellow with Temiz Project

Company: Beyaz Kağıt San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Company Description: Beyaz Kağıt was established in 2005 in Adana Organized Industrial Zone. Powder and liquid detergent, softener, liquid soap, general purpose cleaners, anti-limescale cleaners, bleach, liquid and gel dishwashing and cosmetic products are also produced. It has brands such as Asperox, Peros, Clix, Sev. It is a completely Turkish capital company. It is among the top 250 industrial establishments.
Nomination Category: Marketing Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Innovation in Content Marketing / Branded Editorial
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Asperox Magic Yellow with "Temiz İş Project"
  1. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the nominated innovative achievements since July 1 2021:

    Total 459 words used.

    Purpose: In today's social media, where it is very difficult to stand out from the competition and the agenda is constantly changing, we aimed to go beyond classic Instagram content and include our followers in an interactive experience with a creative strategic approach. For this, we had to go beyond the usual boundaries of cleaning product communication and bring a brand new breath to the use of media and influencers. We designed a long-term, completely interaction-oriented digital campaign centered on our main communication channel, Instagram. Thus, in addition to establishing a deeper bond with our target audience and attracting their attention, we would also be able to deliver our brand to new audiences and increase the number of followers and interactions.

    Application: We designed a detective story centered around Asperox Magic Yellow and its cleanliness that leaves no stains, i.e. evidence, behind. For this story, we applied the aesthetics of film-noir detective novels and the “after tomorrow” format to today's social media. Emrah Ablak, who is familiar with detective novels and has a strong pen and social media presence, wrote, drew and voiced this story for us. In collaboration with the artist, interest in the story, which was published weekly in 4 episodes, was kept alive for 1 month with summaries and new episode preview content. With interaction-oriented texts and episodes that end on the cliffhanger, we encouraged our followers to share their own theories about what will happen in the next episode.

    Result: In addition to the collaborative posts on Emrah Ablak's Instagram account, the artist's posts on his Twitter and YouTube accounts also received very high interaction and positive feedback. With Temiz İş, which achieved a total of 16 million views across all channels, the interaction rate of the content on our Instagram account increased by 35% during the campaign period, providing very high brand visibility. 99% of the user comments made throughout the brand during the campaign period were positive.

    Target audience: The cleaning industry, which is a monotonous activity and a sector where risk-taking and differentiation in communication are rarely observed, is one of the last options that can be considered to host an exciting chase. Asperox Magic Yellow, the leading brand of cleaning that always expands the boundaries of this world by testing it, once again reaches out to brand new audiences while deepening its ties with its existing target audience with a different and entertaining approach.

    With Temiz İş, the target audience, who does not want to spend money and time on a different cleaning product for each surface, follows the same powerful cleaning at different crime scenes. A cleaner who cleans up all the evidence in a short time is positioned as the starting point and secret hero of the scenario

Asperox Magic Yellow with "Temiz İş Project"
URL Asperox Magic Yellow with Temiz ??
URL Asperox Magic Yellow with Temiz ?? _ part 4
URL Asperox Magic Yellow with Temiz ?? - competition
URL Asperox Magic Yellow with Temiz ?s has been watched 16 million people