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Innovito, Cairo, Egypt: Empowering Young Learners: Innovito's LSCE Toolkit Digitization Project

Company: Innovito, Cairo, Egypt
Company Description: Our journey began in 2014 to help individuals and enterprises drive performance with innovative edtech and learning solutions. Hence, we designed full-fledged products and solutions incorporating technology with interactive learning to give our targeted ecosystem of enterprises, employees, customers, partners, and learners an unforgettable experience, and a scalable solution that fits their needs
Nomination Category: Video Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Innovation in Training Videos
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: Empowering Young Learners: Innovito's LSCE Toolkit Digitization Project
  1. Provide the date on which this nominated video was released:

    Jan 2022

  2. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the video and the innovative aspects of the video that you are nominating:

    Total 479 words used.


    Innovito proudly presents the innovative transformation of UNICEF's Life Skills and Citizenship Education (LSCE) Toolkit. Through our collaboration with UNICEF, we've gamified the educational content for students aged 6 to 12 in Egypt. This essay explores the groundbreaking aspects of the LSCE Toolkit digitization project, highlighting how it empowers students to acquire essential life skills through engaging game-based and video-based learning modules.

    Interactive Learning Redefined

    Traditional teaching methods often struggle to captivate young learners. Recognizing this, Innovito sought to reimagine education. Our groundbreaking project takes the remarkable LSCE Toolkit from UNICEF and enhances it with interactive and engaging learning experiences that empower students with critical life skills.

    Engaging Learning Through Stories

    A standout feature of this project is its approach to storytelling. We've crafted relatable characters and narratives that resonate with learners of all ages. By addressing real-life challenges and experiences, the LSCE Toolkit invites students to engage both emotionally and intellectually.

    Game-Based Learning Modules

    One of the pioneering aspects of this project is the integration of game-based learning modules. These modules immerse students in a world of learning, where they become active participants. Learners can make choices that influence the outcome, fostering engagement, critical thinking, and decision-making.

    Video-Based Learning Modules

    The LSCE Toolkit digitization project also introduces video-based learning modules. These modules leverage the power of visual storytelling to make complex concepts easily understandable. Through interactive videos, students are transported into real-world scenarios where they can apply and practice essential life skills.

    Tailored for Different Age Groups

    Recognizing the diverse needs of our audience, we've tailored the content to suit different age groups. Younger learners are guided by a lovable avatar, while older children engage with vertical videos, reminiscent of popular social media platforms like TikTok.

    Equipping Students with Vital Life Skills

    UNICEF identified 12 essential life skills for children, and our project takes a holistic approach to addressing each one. From problem-solving and communication to decision-making and empathy, the LSCE Toolkit digitization project equips students with practical skills that extend far beyond the classroom.

    Empowering Young Minds for the Future

    Our project empowers students to navigate life's complexities with confidence. By promoting the acquisition of life skills, it contributes to individual growth, societal development, and economic progress, aligning seamlessly with UNICEF's vision for education in Egypt.


    Innovito's collaboration with UNICEF to digitize the LSCE Toolkit is a testament to our dedication to innovating education. Through interactive game-based and video-based learning, engaging storytelling, and content tailored to different age groups, we've transformed how young minds acquire essential life skills.

    As we stand at the forefront of a new era, it is essential that we empower the next generation with the tools they need to thrive. Our project brings us closer to UNICEF's vision of holistic, lifelong, and rights-based education, ensuring that students are not just prepared for today's challenges but also equipped to seize tomorrow's opportunities.

  3. Optionally, you may list creative and production credits for your video - a list of the people and organizations that contributed to its development: