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Mobile Communications Company of Iran, MCI, Tehran, Iran: MCI HR Annual Report 2022

Company: Mobile Communications Company of Iran - MCI
Company Description: Mobile Communications Company of Iran, commonly abbreviated as MCI and also known under its brand name Hamrah-e Avval, is the first and largest mobile operator in Iran. MCI has over 75 million active subscribers which makes it the biggest one in the Middle East. MCI service is available in 1,239 cities and over 70,000 kilometers of roads in Iran.
Nomination Category: Publication Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Award for Innovation in Annual Reports
2023 Stevie Winner Nomination Title: MCI HR Annual Report 2022
  1. Optionally, you may list creative and production credits for your work - a list of the people and organizations that contributed to its development:

    Contributors to the MCI HR Annual Report 2022

    Supervision Team:

    Jafar Boloul Azari - CHRO at MCI

    Saeed Aliasgari - GM of HR Design and Development at MCI

    Mahboobe Hajkazemi - Employee Experience Manager at MCI

    Development Team:

    Arsham Navid - Content Director of the Report

    Hamidreza Haddadi - Art Director of the Report

    Their collective expertise, dedication, and commitment have been instrumental in shaping and crafting MCI HR Annual Report 2022

  2. Provide the date on which this nominated publication was first publicly distributed:

    10th August 2023

  3. Provide an essay of up to 625 words describing the publication and the innovative aspect of the publication that you are nominating. In the essay, describe the genesis of the innovation, how it was developed and executed, and the results of the innovation to date.

    Total 453 words used.

    Revolutionizing HR Insights: The MCI HR Annual Report 2022 

    In the dynamic landscape of Iran's digital ecosystem, MCI has emerged as a pioneer, fostering innovation and spearheading transformative initiatives. As a testament to our commitment to transparency and empowerment, we proudly present the 2022 MCI HR Annual Report - a groundbreaking revelation in Iran's Telecommunication industry.

    The Genesis of Innovation:

    Driven by a dual purpose, we embarked on crafting our HR Annual Report. First, to reinforce our employer brand, offering a glimpse into the essence of working at MCI. Second, to share insights, knowledge, and experiences, igniting a culture of collaboration within the regional business ecosystem. Symbolically, on the anniversary of distributing Iran's first SIM card on 10th August 2023, we unveiled the first-ever Annual HR Report in Iran's telecommunications industry.

    Development and Execution:

    Crafted thoughtfully around the employee lifecycle, our report unfolds the narrative from the warm embrace of new MCIers to their continuous growth and development. We interwove storytelling techniques with a data-driven approach, rendering the content not just informative but engaging. An innovative interactive feature invites readers to explore deeper realms by clicking on specific icons, offering an immersive experience. Vivid and diverse visualization of the MCIers’ journey brings life into the data. Note that this report is based on the year 1401 in the Persian Jalali calendar, equivalent to the period between 21 March 2022 to 21 March 2023 in the Gregorian Calendar. This report transcends conventional boundaries, delving into a spectrum of HR narratives - from the art of hiring and comprehensive training to nurturing well-being and enhancing the quality of life. Our approach resolves complexities by offering solutions, showcasing endeavors such as placing the essence of "Human" at the core of our designs, leveraging data analytics to bolster colleagues' health, and transforming the landscape of performance management.

    The Impact:

    The resonance of the 2022 MCI HR Annual Report was swift and resounding. Within a month of its release, 80632 unique viewers engaged with its content, illustrating the profound interest it ignited. Beyond our target audience, numerous companies expressed a passionate desire to delve deeper into the projects spotlighted. In response, we plan to host a knowledge-sharing event, paving the way for a collaborative exploration of the report's contents.


    The 2022 MCI HR Annual Report stands as an innovative means for us to share our team's journey and underscore the importance of prioritizing our workforce. Crafted with adept storytelling techniques seamlessly integrated across the employee lifecycle and showcasing an innovative interactive feature, this report ensures an engaging experience for its audience. We eagerly anticipate showcasing these advancements at the Middle East & North Africa Stevie® Awards, affirming our steadfast commitment to centering our work around our people.

MCI HR Annual Report 2022
PDF MCI_HR_Annual_Report_2022.pdf