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Al Anwar Medical Hospital - Frontline Medical Hero of the Year

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2019, Click to Enter The 2022 Middle East and North Africa Stevie® Awards

Company: Al Anwar Medical Hospital
Company Description: Alanwar hospital is secondary Care private Hospital,Leaders developed plan to face Covid-19 Pandemic strictly to assure smooth workflow without Cross infection in-between staff and patients and to provide Community participation role in facing that infection, Although Hospital Received more than 2000 suspected patients that time, No cross Infection occurred, Patient care was running smoothly.
Nomination Category: COVID-19 Response Categories
Nomination Sub Category: Frontline Medical Hero of the Year

Nomination Title: Dr. Abdulla Al Turki- Al Anwar Medical Hospital General Manager

Al Anwar hospital is secondary Care private Hospital, Leaders developed plan to face Covid-19 Pandemic strictly to assure smooth workflow without Cross infection in-between staff and patients and to provide Community participation role in facing that infection, Although Hospital Received more than 3000 suspected patients that time, No cross Infection occurred, Patient care was running smoothly.

A Task forcet team workedwith front liners in; Al Over The hospital to monitor compliance to Precaution standards , in Emergency Department to assure safe and efficient Flow of patient Specially Suspected Patients , Theywas responsible for monitoring consumption and stock availability of PPEs specially N95 Masks,they supervised the process of fitting test for N95 for all staff,prepared a “Covid-19 Outbreak Emergency Plan” for efficient preparedness for any expected outbreak in the region.

Hospital in participation of Command & Control Center–MOH,Civil Defense and Polic for executed evacuation Drillof staff, Normal Patient & Covid-19 Patient, to avoid Cross Infection.

BiomedPrepared Backup Oxygen System for prospective needs, with strict Daily check and test for continuous Preparedness.

ER was equipped with Negative Pressure Isolation Room, Where Swabs were taken , and 2 Respiratory Waiting Areas with capacity of (6) patients, that were equipped with HEPA Filters.To be able to manage (7) suspected Patients per time.

ER also was equipped with portable X-Ray Machine, to avoid entrance of suspected patients inside Hospital.

Leaders assigned special Ward for admission of confirmed cases ;(14) Beds, with ability to be increased to(18) beds, away from other department , Itwas equipped with all required equipment and supplies, and staffed by well trained Nurses.

Special Rights & Responsibilities for Covid-19 Patient was developed, approved, Published in relevant areas, and respected by all.

Housekeepers performed a laborious Work, by performing Terminal Cleaning twice Weekly for all Hospital Premises, to reduce any possible Cross infection

Hospital Decided to: Cut duty of staff without cut salary by working Online, Enterance of staff from separete enterance to be traiged away from patients, Provide hotline for solving any inquiry of patient.

Hospital lost Dr Abdulla, GM,Leader Fighter & Hero , 19th Aug 2020.